Research Areas
Community Care & Social Change
​In the last few years, talk about care – and the need for more care – has been everywhere. We explore the multiple and intersecting crises of care and highlight social changes needed to create more caring communities. We are interested in understanding the ways in which care is being practiced at a local level, the processes involved in strengthening social infrastructures of care, and individuals’ everyday experiences of these processes.

A Caring
​How might an ethic of care be practiced in academia and why is such an approach needed? Our research identifies and highlights unequal power dynamics and neoliberal influences in academic institutions and describes people’s embodied experiences of these power dynamics. We also offer possibilities for restructuring and reimagining what academia could look like centered around a feminist ethics of care.

Care in Digital Worlds
​In an increasingly digital world, care is being practiced in new ways. For example, there are apps for consumers who care about where their products come from, emojis that allow Facebook users to show that they care about friends’ posts, and digital spaces where communities of care can be organized and facilitated. We examine how care is being practiced virtually and consider the opportunities and tensions associated with online caring.