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Here, I share podcasts from community organizers, journalists, and academics, each sharing their own, situated understandings and experiences of care across a variety of settings.

All My Relations & Indigenous Feminism by All My Relations Podcast

Hosts Matika Wilbur and Adrienne Keene discuss their “origin” stories as Indigenous women, bloggers, and storytellers— revealing the intimacies of their friendship, the inception and goals of the All My Relations Podcast, and their relationships to feminism.

An Interview with Ana Castillo, Queer Xicana Mother, Writer, and Activist by Chicana Motherwork​​

In this episode, queer Xicana single mother, writer, and activist, Ana Castillo discusses her memoir, Black Dove: Mama, Mi'jo, y Yo (2016). It explores combating state violence and patriarchy through Chicana mothering, self and community care for mothers of color, and more.

Black Youth in Community Organizing by Below the Radar

In this episode, Ayaan Ismaciil and Natasha Mhuriro - two student community organizers from the African Students Association at SFU - discuss the importance of starting a Black in BC Mutual Aid fund during the pandemic as a means of community support and sustenance. 

Building a Caring Economy by LSE: Public lectures and events

In conversation with Madeline Bunting, Professor Diane Elson, and Professor Lynne Segal, this podcast explores the idea of a Caring Economy. It explores the care crisis, how we think about care, and what can be done to make care more central to what we value.

Care: Black Trans Art and Joy Fund (Mutual Aid, Allyship, Solidarity) | Care Miniseries by BarTalk

In this episode, Sharona Lautoe and Xiomara Vírdo from the Black Trans Art and Joy Fund about what it takes to start a mutual aid fund, what genuine allyship and solidarity looks like, and how to create an environment where people feel comfortable reaching out for help.

Care City by Technopolis

This podcast explores the experiences of care workers during the pandemic in conversation with Palak Shah of the National Domestic Workers Alliance. Shah talks about the work of the Alliance to build a new kind of safety net for care workers - online.

Care: Damani Leidsman (community care and inclusivity) | Care Miniseries by BarTalk

In this episode Damani Leidsman shares about community care, power building, the dutch cultural sector and mentorship. He explores strengthening queer and black communities to create room for new radical art. 

Care Ethics by High Theory

This podcast discusses the works of prominent care ethicists, including Joan Tronoto, Carol Gilligan, and Francous Jullien, with guests Merel Visse and Inge van Nistelrooij members of the Care Ethics Group at the University of Humanistic Studies in Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Care Ethics by The Philosopher's Zone

In conversation with Stephanie Collins, Associate Professor in Philosophy at the Australian Catholic University of Melbourne, this podcast explores 'care ethics' as a way to guide moral decision making in the complex networks of relationships that make up our lives.

Care: Sylvie Rosenkalt (disability justice, healing justice) | Care Miniseries by BarTalk

In this episode, Sylvie Rosenkalt talks about her work in disability justice, healing justice, and sustainable work practice. As a queer disabled educator and activist her work focuses on ways to welcome more people into disability culture through mutual aid projects. 

Care Work by Disability Visibility Project

In this episode Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha, a writer, cultural worker, teacher, and trainer discusses her book titled, Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice. They explore the meaning of care work and disability justice and how people practice both in their everyday lives. 

Care: Lilita Dunska (music for animals, interspecies care) | Care Miniseries by BarTalk

This episode explores interspecies care with recording engineer and cognitive musicology student Lilita Dunska. She discusses music playing for non-human animals, online community building through pet playlists, the trend of pet humanization, and critical anthropomorphism.

Crip wisdom, gender and self-care for social justice by Disability Visibility Project

In this episode, Naomi Ortiz a Disabled, Mestiza, facilitator, writer, poet, and visual artist discusses the importance of self-care to survive and thrive in the context of her contribution to "Resistance and Hope: Essays by Disabled People".

Healing the Land is Healing Ourselves by All My Relations Podcast

In this episode community organizer, citizen scientist, water protector and Diné woman, Kim Smith talks about how healing the land is healing ourselves and her long-term citizen science project exploring the impact of extractive energy plants in Navajo homelands.

Indigenous Mutual Aid: One Year of Pandemic Response and Organizing by Indigenous Action

Indigenous Mutual Aid frontline organizers, Little Wind & Mesiah (Regeneration on the Reservation), Han (Red Sleeves Anti-Colonial Action), and Bearcat share their experiences and thoughts from a year of being on the ground in their communities responding to the pandemic.

Megan Linton and Sarah Jama by Disability Saves the World with Dr. Fady Shanouda

In this episode Megan Linton, a Ph.D. student at Carleton University, and Sarah Jama, co-founder and executive director of the Disability Justice Network of Ontario in Hamilton Ontario talk about their new campaign to abolish long-term care in Canada.

Self Care and Community Care! by Tejana Feminist Talks 

This episode explores self care and community care and the complexities of both. Host Leslie Lopez talks about the role capitalism plays in self care, and discusses why self and community care are essential to our collective liberation.

Self Care and Community Care | Three Chaotic Queers by LGBT Youthline

In this episode hosts Rabia, Nicole, and Sydney share tips on battling the isolating effects of capitalism and academia by embracing a bit of chaos, committing to radical acts of self-care, as well as leaning into their found families and peer support networks.

Self Care for Mothers of Color in Academia by Chicana Motherwork

In this episode, The Chicana M(other)work mujeres go describe their academic practices, the impacts of different forms of generational traumas and their everyday practices of self-care in and out of academia.

The Brilliance of Beavers: Learning from an Anishnaabe World by Ideas with Nahlah Ayed

Renowned Michi Saagiig Nishnaabeg scholar and artist, Leanne Betasamosake Simpson talks about the philosophy and ethics that undergird Anishnaabe worlds in her lecture entitled, A Short History of the Blockade: Giant Beavers, Diplomacy and Regeneration in Nishnaabewin.

The Care Crisis: An Interview with Emma Dowling by A World to Win

In this podcast, author of "The Care Crisis," Emma Dowling, reflects on the crisis of care facing the world economy and why this crisis poses a threat to social relations. Dowling reflects on the commodification of the care sector and what it would look like to democratise care work.

Color Stain
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