my writing on care
My Writing on Care
Here, I share my existing research on care in a range of contexts including community organizing in Canada, global volunteer tourism, community health work in the Philippines, and ethical consumption campaigns.
Kipp and Hawkins, 2021
From the nice work to the hard work: “Troubling” community- based Care Mongering during the COVID-19 pandemic
Kipp and Hawkins 2018
The responsibilization of “development consumers” through cause-related
marketing campaigns
Kipp and Hawkins, 2021
Canadian CareMongering: Exploring the Complexities and Centrality of Community Care during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Kipp in Interview with CBC, KW
2 years later, CareMongering KW
group still alive and caring
Dodd, Kipp et al. 2021
Kipp et al., 2020
Gendered and racialized experiences and subjectivities in volunteer tourism