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A Feminist Ethics of Care

(1990). Collins, P. Chapter 11: Black feminist epistemology. In Black feminist thought: Knowledge consciousness and the politics of empowerment, (pp. 251-271). Routledge.

(1993). Tronto, J. Moral boundaries: A political argument for the ethic of care. Routledge. 

(2003). Sevenhuijsen, S. The place of care: The relevance of the feminist ethic of care for social policy. Feminist Theory, 4(2), 179-197.

(2007). Cooper, D. ‘Well, you go there to get off’: Visiting feminist care ethics through a women’s bathhouse. Feminist Theory, 8(3), 243-262.

(2007). Graham, M. The ethics of care, Black women and the social professions: Implications of a new analysis. Ethics and Social Welfare, 1(2), 194-206.

(2010). Datta, K., McIlwaine, C., Evans, Y., Herbert, J., May, J., & Wills, J. (2010). A migrant ethic of care? Negotiating care and caring among migrant workers in London’s low-pay economy. Feminist Review, 94(1), 93-116.

(2011). Kittay, E. F. The ethics of care, dependence, and disability. Ratio juris, 24(1), 49-58.

(2015). Barnes, M., Brannelly, T., Ward, L., & Ward, N. (Eds.). Ethics of care: Critical advances in international perspective.  Bristol University Press. 

(2015). Engster, D. & Hamington, M. Chapter One: Introduction. In Engster, D. & Hamington, M. (Eds.), Care ethics and political theory (pp. 1-18). Oxford Scholarship Online.

(2014). Hankivsky, O. Rethinking care ethics: On the promise and potential of an intersectional analysis. American Political Science Review, 108(2), 252-264.

(2016). Raghuram, P. Locating care ethics beyond the global north. ACME: An International Journal for Critical Geographies, 15(3), 1–23. 

(2017). Tronto, J. There is an alternative: homines curans and the limits of neoliberalism. International Journal of Care and Caring, 1(1), 27-43.

(2019). Davy, L. Between an ethic of care and an ethic of autonomy: Negotiating relational autonomy, disability, and dependency. Angelaki, 24(3), 101-114.

(2019). Sosa-Provencio, M. A. A Revolucionista ethic of care: Four Mexicana educators’ subterraneous social justice revolution of fighting and feeding. American Educational Research Journal, 56(4), 11131147.

(2020). Tronto, J. C. Chapter 9: Caring democracy - How should concepts travel? In Urban P., & Ward L. (Eds.), Care Ethics, Democratic Citizenship and the State (pp. 181-197). Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

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